Sell your stamps(Appears Inside Friendly.Where the sim will receive ten ingredients and a Food Stamp Coupon will be consumed. With a Food Stamp Coupon you can go to the food bank.Household will receive 2 Food Stamp Coupons.Baby/Toddler/Children will receive Per Sim 300.Teen - Elders by default receive 200/week.EBT Card Withdrawal available every Friday (Upon Withdrawal).If Accepted you will be able to collect the benefits.If Denied you can try again after 24 hours.After 24 hours your application will either be accepted or denied.Once you apply you will receive a Buff letting you know your application has been Accepted.(Only Custodial parent can cancel Child Support. Sim Will no longer receive Child Support. Go to City Hall and click on opt out of Child Support Benefits.By default 550 will be paid to the custodial parent per child shared with the non custodial parent.Child Support will end when the child becomes an Adult.You can either play the household that owes Child Support or the household that receives Child.Which then the household will no longer receive the Welfare benefits Go To City Hall and click on opting out of Welfare Benefits.Does not receive Child Support Benefits.Each HouseholdMember making less than 88/hr.Household Residential lot value less than 30,000.The Script, EBT Card, and Food Stamp Coupon Object. In order for the Government Benefits & Services mod to work properly you will need to install Battery's C# Script UtilityĪdditionally, make sure you install each package on the zip file. If your sim enrolls in either program, they will receive their benefits every Friday at around 12:00PM This mod gives your sims the ability to apply for Welfare, Child Support, And SNAP if they qualify. The icon images will tell you which 3 ingredients are required. Whatever ingredients you have will be used for the meal/snack.

However, you only need to have at least 1 ingredient. The foods work somewhat similar to recipes in that they require ingredients to be available. This preference is based on their favorite food (see more after the cut).

Similar to Growing Together, toddlers will love, like or hate certain foods. So this mod adds two interactions to the high chair to feed toddlers meals or snacks. I still haven't played that game but I know there's a preference/taste system in the game for baby food, which is really cool! But then I came back to it after TS4 Growing Together came out. This was actually originally part of my Quickie Food and Snacks mod and I abandoned it (this seems to be a theme with me). They literally call the baby food "sludge" in the game files. If you downloaded both files already, you don't need to redownload anything, just download the file and add to your game.) It's just a little piece of food that toddlers pick up when eating snacks.

(Update: I forgot to include one of the files in the Objects file.