Your scientist Sim can help uncover the aliens in your midst.If a profession doesn't tickle your fancy, you can make your Sims into entrepreneurs, starting their own businesses. Not only that, but aliens could invade your town, and hide among the general population. Back at HQ, your detective Sims will discuss cases, interrogate suspects and more.Choose to be a scientist, and you'll go to a huge laboratory where Sims analyze flora, fauna and metals to create all sorts of gadgets, and you could even discover life on other planets.

On top of this, to break up the daily routine you can visit sick Sims around town in their homes.As a detective, you'll get to see the Police Station, although most of your time will be spent patrolling the streets and searching crime scenes for clues and witnesses. Unlike the professions we know from The Sims 4, here you will actually follow your Sims to their jobs, and help them do the best they can.If you decide to be a doctor, you'll join your Sim at their clinic, where they see and diagnose patients and of course administer treatments or surgery. The Sims™ 4 Get to Work! has three new professions for you to follow: doctor, detective and scientist. You could become the richest person in the neighborhood, or it could all end in ruin!This is an expansion pack for The Sims 4, and requires the original game. With The Sims™ 4 Get to Work! you can finally follow your Sims to work, giving them a variety of careers, or getting them to act the entrepreneur and start their own business.

Softonic-recensie All the fun of work in The Sims!